Though you may be well aware of the importance of your kitchen cabinets, it's entirely possible that you aren't going to take their upkeep seriously until it may be well past the time to do something about getting them looking good again. The difference between painting your kitchen cabinets and entirely replacing them is quite significant, both in terms of money spent and the impact on the environment -- it's well worth doing if the cabinets are in good enough shape but just would benefit from a good paint job. If you do the paintwork right, you can be assured that you'll end up with kitchen cabinets that look fantastic. Let's now look at and consider five kitchen cabinet painting tricks to try in Branford, CT.
One thing you should make sure that you do before you paint your kitchen cabinets is to fully clean them, and this means more than just removing the food that is found within (though of course you should absolutely make sure to do that...) More specifically, you're going to have to properly remove any and all of the dirt, grime, and even the food stains that are going to be found there -- because the better you can get it clean, the better you will be able to later paint the cabinets. A key thing here is that when you have finished cleaning the cabinets, you have to allow time for the cabinets to fully dry before you move on to the next step in the process.
In any painting job you have to be careful to make use of the right kind of paint. When you're looking to paint the outside of your home, for example, you would make use of an exterior paint as this will help protect the house from the elements. Painting the kitchen cabinets, on the other hand, is going to involve a totally different sort of paint as you might imagine -- firstly, it is going to be an interior paint, but more importantly it will have to be a paint that is going to be somewhat easy to clean, and this will involve a paint that is glossier than not. Glossy paints are easier to paint, whereas flat paints are a bit harder to clean -- and you'll also want to get a paint that is resistant to mold, as being in a kitchen you will have a lot more water present than in your typical room.
As you're looking to have a good painting experience and ultimately a well painted set of kitchen cabinets, it's important to start with a surface that is smooth. By gently sanding the surface of your kitchen cabinets, you'll have a surface that is a lot smoother than if you don't choose to do so. The good thing about this is that you don't have to sand all that much -- it's just a matter of a gentle sanding as well as clearing off the sanding dust that comes about.
In the process of painting your kitchen cabinets, you're going to want to remove as many things as possible that will get in the way of what you need painted. The hardware, for example, that goes onto your kitchen cabinets -- the pulls, more specifically... need to be removed as they will get in the way of your painting the cabinets. Additionally, not having the hardware there means that you aren't going to have to worry about accidentally getting paint on it -- and you won't have to make the time to clean the hardware should paint get on it.
Lastly, you should bear in mind that it's perfectly okay to add a second coat of paint to the kitchen cabinets if you paint them and you find that they just don't have a strong enough color as it were. One of the most important things you can do if you decide that you want to go about this route is to allow the first coat to fully dry first. By doing this, you will be sure that the surface of your cabinets is properly painted and the first coat of paint won't be lifted up off of the surface of the cabinets.

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