If you happen to be noticing that your bathroom seems to be looking run down lately, doing a bathroom repainting project would be a fantastic way to give the space a fresh, updated look without breaking the bank.
While such a project seems to be straightforward and easy, one should not go into it hastily and expect great results - repainting your bathroom still requires certain protocols and procedures that are very easy to overlook.
So, if you are thinking of repainting your bathroom, here's something you'll want to read first to ensure that you get it right!
Here are Bathroom Repainting Tips You Should Know.
In repainting your bathroom, one thing that you should be doing first would be to check the bathroom surface for any kinds of damage.
This is an important step to prioritize since your bathroom might have acquired some form of physical damage over time of repeated usage - and these damages you'll have to repair and patch up first prior to adding a brand-new coat of paint over them.
While yes, paint can be extremely transformative, paint still won't be able to cover up or completely conceal physical damages on a surface, and doing so will just result in an uneven paint finish, and essentially a botched paint job.
So, make sure to inspect your bathroom interior thoroughly for any signs of physical damage, ensure to patch these up accordingly, to essentially ensure that you end up at a good start with your project!
After ensuring that you have properly inspected your bathroom interior for signs of damage, it's now time for you to prepare the surface you're going to be painting.
It is importan to remember that proper surface preparation is the foundation of a successful paint job, so do not make the mistake of skipping this.
After inspecting your bathroom surface, you'll now want to clean it thoroughly, which you can do so by using a brush and a mixture of water and detergent to clean off any muck, slime, or grime present on your bathroom.
Additionally, if you are seeing signs of mold on your bathroom, do make sure to get them removed accordingly in this process - you can mix water and bleach for this, or get a dedicated mold-killing solution to aid you in removing them from your bathroom interior.
In repainting your bathroom, you will have two options: repaint it using the same paint color or repaint it with an entirely different paint color.
In doing the first option, you essentially have little to no problem with this, since you already know how the paint color will look on the surface and you're merely putting a fresh coat over the same kind of paint.
However, if you're thinking of going for another color, there are some factors to consider in deciding which paint color you should go with.
Lighting will be an important factor, since this will have a significant impact on how your paint color will eventually look once painted on the surface.
So, you'll want to check paint samples in your bathroom, where you can check them under the lighting present there and see how it goes with it and which colors look good.
Additionally, you'll want to check the colors and elements already present in your bathroom, since you'll want to choose a paint color that goes well with them, allowing for a cohesive appeal and finish.
In doing a repainting project, there is a certain kind of difficulty in achieving a consistent and vibrant paint finish - you'll want to completely cover up the existing coat of paint, and making sure that it doesn't bleed through your fresh coat.
So, to help you with this, you must ensure to apply a coat of primer before adding your coat of paint.
Primer will help you achieve better coverage, ensuring that the old coat is completely covered, and provides a clean, solid base for your new paint to adhere to, resulting in a vivid and bright paint finish.
Primer also ensures that your coat of paint won't be manifesting signs of wear and tear anytime soon, so if you want your current painting job to last, primer is the key!
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