One of the most effective ways to elevate the overall appeal of your home interior would be to paint an accent wall in it. Accent walls are walls that are colored or painted differently from their surrounding walls, and they usually take on fun and striking designs - ones that will immediately draw your eyes as soon as you walk into the space it is painted on. So, if you are currently planning to paint an accent wall on your home interior, here's something you will find useful.
One of the most crucial aspects of creating a stunning accent wall is locating it in a way that highlights its greatest characteristics. With this, it's essential to place your accent wall in an area where it can look its finest, where it can easily attract your attention, and where you can see it in all of its glory - it's just a shame to put all the effort into painting your accent wall but only for it to be blocked by some kind of furniture or appliance.
Ideally, you would want to paint it on a wall that will be the first thing you see when you come into a room, clear of any wall fixtures or furniture, so you can see it entirely.
You'll now need to think about the design of your accent wall after you've ultimately decided where you want to paint your accent wall. To create a more coherent aesthetic, evaluate the present colors in the area where you'll be painting your accent wall and choose a pattern or theme that matches them.
An accent wall may easily feel isolated and randomly placed if done hastily, so you must end up with a design that is technically distinct but still complements the overall appeal of the area you're painting it on.
Once you're done conceptualizing what kind of design or theme you'll incorporate into your accent wall and determining where you will paint it, it is time for you to prepare the room you're going to be painting. It would be ideal for you to clear the space, remove any furniture or furnishings that could get in the way of painting your accent wall so you can move freely as you paint, and of course, do not forget to clean the wall you'll be painting your accent wall on.
Drop cloths should also be placed on the floor where you're painting to avoid spills and drips from staining and destroying your floors.
After applying primer to your wall, it's time to use painter's tape. Painter's tape is vital because it reduces the possibility of unwanted paint smudges and stains on areas where you don't want to paint.
Furthermore, while painting an accent wall, painter's tape is even more crucial because you'll be dealing with many colors, and painter's tape will be a tremendous help in ensuring that all of the colors are in the appropriate areas.
After you've finished prepping the room, you can add a layer of primer to your wall's surface.
Applying primer to your walls is vital in any painting project since it will prepare your surface to be the ideal surface to paint on. It allows your paint to cling to the surface better and makes it look brighter and more colorful. Besides, many paint issues that develop later result from a lack of primer application, so keep in mind to apply a layer of primer before painting your walls if you want your painting effort to last longer.
Finally, it's time to paint your accent wall once you've finished all of the required and important pre-painting tasks. Make sure your strokes are precise and light and don't get too carried away with brushing because over brushing can be a paint issue.
Also, remember to have fun with it - an accent wall is a nice addition to a room, so have fun painting it!
At New Haven Painters, we offer affordable, reliable, and durable painting services in New Haven, Branford, Milford, Orange, North Haven, West Haven, East Haven, and the surrounding areas for CT. Book a FREE estimate below to get started, or call us at (203) 606-2346 to talk about your project.
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