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Tips For Preparing To Paint Your Bathroom in Branford, CT
September 8, 2022

While many people overlook the importance of maintaining them, our bathroom is actually one of the most important rooms to maintain in our homes - the state and overall look of our bathroom are actually very telling of our hygiene and overall hospitality!

And one of the best things you could do to maintain your bathroom would be to treat it to a fresh coat of paint.

So, if you're here because you are currently planning to do so and would like to know how to start preparing for it, here's something you will find useful.

Here are some Tips For Preparing To Paint Your Bathroom.

1. Acquire The Right Kind Of Paint

In preparing to paint your bathroom, one of the most important things that you must do is to ensure that you will acquire the right kind of paint for your bathroom painting project.

Out there in the market, there are so many different kinds of paint specially formulated to cater to different types of surfaces or paint projects - some kinds of paint are made for your exterior, some are made for interior painting, some are better for wood surfaces, and some are better for concrete surfaces, and so on.

Your bathroom is no exception to this, so when you're shopping for paint, it would be better to approach a professional so you can have a conversation about which options would be best suited for your bathroom at home.

2. Clean Your Bathroom

Of course, in preparing to paint your bathroom, you will want to clean your bathroom in the process.

Because your bathroom is located in an area where moisture and water is always present, you will want to look for some slime, grime, or muck formation that has accumulated over the time that you have used your bathroom, and remove them accordingly.

It is important to remove them because having these on your surface will result to a sloppy paint finish, which is essentially something that you are trying to avoid in a painting project.

To do this, you can use a brush and some kind of detergent to fully break down the grime and muck present on your surface, and rinse them accordingly - however, don't forget to dry your walls first before applying a coat of paint on them!

3. Clear Your Bathroom Area

A great tip in bathroom painting preparation that you should not forget is to clear your bathroom area.

This is important because you will want to clear as much space as possible when you're painting your bathroom, to allow freer movements as you make your way in painting your bathroom.

To do this, you will want to temporarily put out all of your bathroom necessities and things, such as your towels, your soaps and shampoo bottles, and everything that you can remove out of your bathroom.

4. Cover With Drop cloths

In clearing out your bathroom, you will inevitably find that you cannot temporarily remove and relocate all of the things you have in your bathroom - and the solution for that would be to just cover them with drop cloths.

These include your sink, your toilet, your showerhead, your bathroom tub, and even your bathroom floors - it is important to cover them up so you can avoid getting paint splashes and sprinkles all over them, which tend to be inevitable especially in a painting project.

5. Dry Your Floors

Lastly, in preparing to paint your bathroom, you will want to ensure that you dry your floors.

It is no secret that our bathrooms are indeed wet places, so to reduce the risk of slipping and falling down, you should ensure that your bathroom floors are dry first before you set your painting tools and start.

Also, it is recommended that you also clean your bathroom floors as there may be some build up of muck present in them, which also tends to be slippery and could be a risk for your safety.

At New Haven Painters, we offer affordable, reliable, and durable painting services in New Haven, Branford, Milford, Orange, North Haven, West Haven, East Haven, and the surrounding areas for CT.  Book a FREE estimate below to get started, or call us at (203) 606-2346 to talk about your project.

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